Poor family
Simple cottage
Water buffalo
The health center
Road during monsoon
Road flooded
Basket weaver
Rice farmer
Rice field after harvesting
Provincial town Puok
Where to find Roeul
CTC until Jan. 2014.
Oficial opening of the new CTC
Eröffnungsfeier / opening ceremony
Blessing of new CTC
Opening speech (Puok governor)
The party
Tug war
The new CTC-building
Storage room
English class room
Protection against ghosts
Water tower
Wash bowls
Moringa nursery
Moringa trees
Vegetable garden
Fruit garden
Mango tree
Future fish pond
In the new CTC.
Sound equipment
In the previous CTC
In the previous CTC
Monthly scores in English
Teaching aid
Teaching primary school students
Opening ceremony
Computer room
Learning poster
First computer class
15 sewing machines
...and one button-hole maschine
Sewing class
Training finished
Own shop started
Supported family
Monthly support
Monthly support
Buying clothes on the market
Letter from foster child
Visiting the foster children
Happy with the new bike
Old type of well pump
Well drilling team
Drilling is hard handwork
Drilling hole
Family at well (old type)
Men at work
Well new type (since 2013)
Dental screening at school
Screening at the Koek Knang Primary School
Treatment rooom at the Health Center
Extraction tools
Transport in the CAMDOC truck
Cueing for treatment
Drilling and filling
and waiting ...
Back again in the car
Team at lunch at the CTC
Dental department at the AHC